
Out of Bounds started on Livejournal in May, 2004. It is a Prince of Tennis Journal-based Role Playing Game. The original premise was that Fuji invited all his friends to keep journals starting in the summer following the anime series, with their ages bumped up by three years.

As the game progressed the Fudomine players became the most active participants and their story grew a mind of its own. So here we have chosen to keep the Fudomine Arcs of Out of Bounds.

Out of Bounds has not officially ended, but is in a very dead state. However, Shinji and Kippei had moved their story away from the original RPG, into what we fondly call OOB:AU. We host the AU part of the story here rather than the original storyline. They branch apart in Arc X, where Akira, rather than being assumed dead (and later found alive) is in fact dead.

The Fudomine Arc has a soundtrack for Kippei and Shinji, which is purchasable at http://www.lethanon.net

We hope you enjoy the story we have spent years developing.

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